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History and Mission of Sigma Delta Pi











                                                                                     Ruth Barnes​

                                           Founder, inspiration and guiding spirit of Sigma Delta Pi


Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society (La Sociedad Nacional Honoraria Hispánica), was established on November 14, 1919, at the University of California in Berkeley. Its insignia is the royal seal of Fernando and Isabel, representing Castille, León and Aragón. The Society's colors are red and gold and its flower is the red carnation.

With the guidance of such notable Hispanists as S. Griswold Morley, Elijah C. Hills, Rudolph Schevill, Leavitt O. Wright, William Berrien, John D. Fitz-Gerald, Tomás Navarro Tomás, José Martel, Archer M. Huntington, John T. Reid, Stuart M. Gross, James O. Swain, F. Dewey Amner, Carl A. Tyre, T. Earle Hamilton, Dolores Brown, Richard E. Chandler, Ignacio R.M. Galbis, John H. LaPrade, Germán D. Carrillo, and Lucy F. Lee, the Society has expanded its activities and now has over 610 chapters. Almost all state universities have chapters, and the few that do not are now considering the founding of one.


The following reveal the diverse nature of the colleges and universities which form the Sigma Delta Pi family: the Catholic University of America, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Southern Methodist University, Baruch College-CUNY, the University of Hawaii, Oral Roberts University, Georgian Court College, Stanford University, Texas Christian University, Hood College, Brigham Young University, College of William and Mary, Howard University, Friends University, Georgia Southern College, Marquette University, Baylor University, Brown University, Auburn University and The Citadel.


In order to serve its many chapters most efficiently, the Society has a National President, an Executive Secretary-Treasurer, and five Regional Vice Presidents. All but the Executive Director are nominated and elected by the active chapter members. The Society is governed by an Executive Council consisting of the seven aforementioned officials, the Immediate Past President, and the Presidents Emeriti. A Board of Student Advisers comprised of undergraduate and graduate student members serves the Executive Committee for consultation on select issues related to the national organization.


The sponsor of the chapter, preferably chosen by the student members, but sometimes appointed by the department head, is of the utmost importance, for his/her wisdom, imagination and dedication largely determine the success of the local branch of the Society.

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National By-Laws 
National By-Laws






      Spanías Didagéi Proágomen

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